Saturday, October 06, 2007

New Beginnings!!!

Hubby and I have been home from our fabulous vacation for three weeks now. You can read about our adventures on my travel blog here. We came home to all the things we'd left behind that needed some immediate attention: Darling Daughter and her new Hubby moved into their new home while we were gone, without any help from us! But as soon as we returned, we were pressed into service to help them do the things they needed some expert help with. We're experts because we've been home-owners for a long time and that counts for a lot! The day after our return, we drove up to their new home about 45 minutes away so Hubby could help install garage door openers and I could help DD buy and plant some shrubs, perennials, and mums to give the garden that fall color.

Since then, we've been back to their house so Hubby could help install plywood in the attic for storage and now that there is floor in the attic, we have more plans to help run cables and wire for TV and Internet through the attic to the other bedrooms upstairs. It's fun to watch them make this house their own and establish themselves as a family. They've painted rooms, grown a new lawn from seed, done some landscaping, hung towel rods, installed shelves, had their driveway paved, and started decorating. When we visit, it feels so comfortable and like they belong there. This is the beginning of their new life together.

We've also come back to our fall activities being in full swing. Unfortunately some things at church have become messy and time-consuming and I've been drawn into a nasty situation that I had no idea was going on. It has drained a lot of my energy and enthusiasm for all the church work I do. I find it sad that politics happen, even at church, and I am amazed the people have agendas and use manipulation, even at church. You'd think we'd be safe from that here. I'm ready to pull back, leave my committee work and just sing and ring for a while. I have much praying and decernment to do over the next several months. This may be the beginning of a new path for me at church, so I'm trying not to see this as an entirely negative time.

But, there is also some wonderful news which I've been keeping quiet to let our oldest son and our daughter-in-law share before I get too carried away. We are going to be grandparents!!! We are so excited and so happy for them and this will be the beginning of a brand new life for all of us! The new little twig on our family tree won't arrive until next May and it's going to be hard to wait that long. For now I have a sweet little ultrasound photo showing baby looking more like a swan than anything else, but he/she is already loved and eagerly awaited!!

New beginnings are such a joy!!!