I'm am way behind in posting here. It's been such a busy time, but all is well, just very hectic with lots of church work and the renovation of DD's room into our new home office. More in another post about that.
In the photo, you can see me, over on the left, holding my Calumet mug. I seem to live with my cup of tea all weekend. The Calumet mugs are very special:

Around the bottom of the mug, it says: Remember the Seventh Commandment. Now, lest you remember them in order off the top of your head from Sunday School class, the seventh commandment is "Thou Shalt Not Steal". But, they sell the mugs in the camp store, so that's why I have one which sees frequent use in my kitchen. It gives me great comfort to sip my tea from my Calumet mug, remembering all the fun times, on this annual weekend away, on our summer camping vacation in the family campground, and of all the years our children spent time at "overnight" camp there. Calumet is one of our favorite places, and also one of our favorite charities. We love to open Calumet to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay.
I have such great memories of our weekend away. Reconnecting with friends, bonding with new friends, and of course nourishing my close friendships as well (you can see Andrea and Judy, of my previous big socks post, also in the photo). We share a lot, laugh, cry, hug, tell ghost stories, giggle in the dark in our bunk beds, and support each other. Confidence and trust are a given. But, we always remember, "What Happens at Calumet, Stays at Calumet".