Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tupperware Tales

Inspired by Mrs. Goodneedle's organizational skills this week, I thought I'd post about my Tupperware storage which has evolved over the years. When the kids were little, I had a Tupperware cabinet, which they loved to get into and pull every single piece out onto the floor. Here's oldest son, enjoying one of his favorite games. How many times did I pick all that up???

Now I have two Tupperware drawers where things stay pretty tidy. Please notice I have some vintage pieces, all orange, gold, and an occasional avacado green piece! I love storing Tupperware this way....I can pull out the drawer and see every piece, not climb down on all fours to find something that has crawled to the very back of the cupboard. But this has got me to thinking, what will my little grandchildren do when they come to Grammie's house? Drawers don't make Tupperware-exploring very easy. I wonder if I will have to come full circle and go back to a cabinet?

Now, my sock drawer....well, that's another story and please note I did not share photos of that!

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Sad Update

I just wanted to post here that little Jaiden lost her battle this morning. If you read my previous post from January 4, you will remember that she was hurt in a tragic accident. You can read a message from her family at Ribbons for Jaiden. How her family will cope with Jaiden's death is just unimaginable. They will continue to be in my prayers.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Are You Cozy?

For Christmas, a special friend made me a tea cozy. It's a lovely red color and lined with special fabric made to hold in the heat. She knows how much I love my pot of tea and whenever I use it, not only is my tea kept warm but my heart is warmed by her thoughtfulness. Yesterday she came for an afternoon cup of tea and we chatted for two hours, all the while our tea was staying nice and hot under the cozy. Nothing like a cozy cup of tea for these long, cold winter days.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Jury Duty

Today I spent the day in Cambridge, doing my civic obligation of making myself available for jury duty. In our state, you serve for "one day or one trial". This means that you go to a courthouse and spend the day, waiting to be impanelled on a jury. If you are not needed, then you have fulfilled your civic duty, and you will not be called again for three years. If you are impanelled on a jury, you must complete the trial, for however long it takes. Jury duty is really quite a system for making sure our judicial system is fair and equitable. All of us where there ready to serve, to give up our regular lives in order that others can have the right to a fair trial. 153 jurors showed up today, 55 were taken up to a courtroom where 12 of them were impanelled on a jury and the rest returned to the "pool". My juror number was not called, so I spent the day reading, walking around the juror floor for a little exercise, and people watching. I was amazed at what people considered "proper attire" as requested in the juror's handbook: it ranged from business suits to gym clothes, with business casual and blue jeans falling somewhere in between. Jurors ranged from young college students to elderly retired people. Some people played by the rules (me, of course!) while others did not. Apparently the signs and instructions that said "no cell phones" and "no eating in this room" were only meant for some of us.

When you are called for jury duty, the state tells you which day to show up and which courthouse to go to. Although there are two courthouses within ten miles of my home, I got called to the Cambridge Courthouse, 30 miles away. This necessitated a trip into the city by train, then taking the subway to the closest "T" stop, and then walking the rest of the way. Hubby works in Boston quite frequently so he planned to make today a Boston day and accompany me to the courthouse to alleviate my worries about getting there. Once I was dismissed from the courthouse however, it was up to me to take the subway, changing trains, and make my way to his office on the opposite side of the city. This was out of my comfort zone for sure, but I did just fine. I am quite happy that I wasn't seated on a trial because doing this everyday would have been quite stressful for me especially without Hubby. I'm not sure how all those people do this commute each day for their jobs. I guess I'm just not a city-person....I prefer my quiet little town. I know how to get everywhere, know I might meet others I know around town, and feel a sense of comfort in the suburbs. I realized today that I'm really just a small-town girl. But I'm glad I did my duty and offered to serve on a jury. Today has been an eye-opener for me.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Prayers for Jaiden

I have been touched by a very tragic story that has hit close to home. A little 8 year old girl in Milford, NH, Jaiden Tlapa, is fighting for her life at Children's Hospital in Boston after a terrible accident. While her mother was snowblowing just days before Christmas, Jaiden fell off her deck into the snowblower's path. The blower snagged her jacket and Jaiden was dragged into the machine depriving her of oxygen for a period of time. Paramedics performed CPR and transported her to Boston where she remains on life support. My daughter knows Jaiden's older sister who was student last year in the middle school where DD is the librarian. The town of Milford has rallied around this family, supporting them in ways that are so compassionate and amazing. Please visit the Prayers for Jaiden blog to learn more about this sweet little girl and leave your prayers for her. Read from the bottom of the blog to the more recent posts at the top. You will be moved. Join the thousands of people who have already visited her blog, offer prayers of your own, and urge others to pray as well. This is a family who needs as many prayers as we can give. When life takes an unexpected turn, prayer always helps.