I have been touched by a very tragic story that has hit close to home. A little 8 year old girl in Milford, NH, Jaiden Tlapa, is fighting for her life at Children's Hospital in Boston after a terrible accident. While her mother was snowblowing just days before Christmas, Jaiden fell off her deck into the snowblower's path. The blower snagged her jacket and Jaiden was dragged into the machine depriving her of oxygen for a period of time. Paramedics performed CPR and transported her to Boston where she remains on life support. My daughter knows Jaiden's older sister who was student last year in the middle school where DD is the librarian. The town of Milford has rallied around this family, supporting them in ways that are so compassionate and amazing. Please visit the
Prayers for Jaiden blog to learn more about this sweet little girl and leave your prayers for her. Read from the bottom of the blog to the more recent posts at the top. You will be moved. Join the thousands of people who have already visited her blog, offer prayers of your own, and urge others to pray as well. This is a family who needs as many prayers as we can give. When life takes an unexpected turn, prayer always helps.
Thank you for posting this. My daughter is a friend of Jaiden's and she can use all the prayers we can get for her at this time.
i stumbled across your page while searching for some other Jaiden related pages. i noticed that your daughter works in milford, as do i (but at jaiden's school). i also noticed you have spent time at calumet? i spent many summers in those woods in freedom, nh.
keep praying for Jaiden. she needs our prayers to continue for as long as she continues to fight.
This was posted by the family today..
A Message From The Tlappa Family
Jaiden Lyndi Tlapa lost her courageous battle for life this morning at Boston Children's Hospital. Please know that in a way our prayers were answered, just not in the way we hoped. Jaiden is running free now with no pain and infection, and she has spread her new wings to take the most glorious flight imaginable.
We are saddened beyond words for our loss. Jaiden has touched our family and this world in such a profound and beautiful way; she will never be forgotten.
We thank each one of you for your faith, love, support, and constant prayers. Please keep alive whatever inner strength and spark that Jaiden has ignited in you. Her life had meaning beyond true comprehension for so many of us. Our job now is to keep her memory alive and incorporate the lessons she has taught us all into our daily lives.
We ask that you respect our privacy at this most difficult time. We will plan a public memorial service to celebrate Jaiden's life at some point. Once we have chosen a date and location we will post this information. But the first celebration of Jaiden's extraordinary life will be private, for immediate family only.
Peace be with you all.
~The Tlapa Family
hi jadens family im sooo sorry for your loss i hope god is with you.
love josh
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