More about the wedding preparations: In May, the bridesmaids hosted a shower for my Darling Daughter. My Dear Daughter-in-law, the Matron of Honor, lives in North Carolina, so far away, and she asked me if they could hold the shower in my home. And so began a wonderful event, where my family room was transformed into a lovely shower space. There was quite a look on Hubby's face when I told him we wanted to empty all the furniture out of that room and replace it with 9 small tables and 36 chairs...."No way that will all fit in there!", he said. Ah, he of little faith! After putting all the furniture in the garage, he and my DD's soon-to-be HOHO washed down all the rented tables and chairs and as they were brought into the room, we place pretty pink tablecloths on the tables, set places with pink silverware and sweet favors of little tins of flower seeds, and placed a pretty pink plant in the center. One might guess that the wedding color is pink, but no, it's not...the bridesmaids will be wearing ice blue dresses. The room did look quite lovely after its transformation!

I'm trying to savor every moment of this week, even these sleepy ones in the middle of the night. I am truly blessed with a wonderful Hubby, the best children, great family, and some of the dearest friends in the world. In the quiet of the dawn, this is so evident to me. In the craziness of the daytime, with all the things that need to be done, I have to work a little harder to keep that in the fore-front but isn't it absolutely what life is all about? We love and are loved and that's what makes our life so meaningful. I wish my DD a life full of love! And as Mrs. Goodneedle would say, "Life is Good"!!
1 comment:
Life IS Good... and getting better by the grace of God. She looks so happy... ;)
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