Monday, October 30, 2006

My First Post

I have been toying with the idea of writing here, but I have to admit, it scares me a little. First, who really cares about the things that run through my mind? Second, does what I have to say really need to be written down on the Web for the world to see? Third, I just can't imagine that the the musings in my mind will translate to good reading. And finally, I have never thought of myself as a good writer....competent yes, but I don't have the finesse to really pull off a riveting story. So, it may take me some time to find my niche in this new venue, but one day you may just find something of importance here, with perhaps a bit of relevance to me and those who read.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Why would you ever think that what you think, or write, won't make a difference? Just the fact that you do it makes all the difference in the world!

Shelina said...

As a genealogist, don't you wish that your ancestors had written down their thoughts so you could get to "know" them better? It would help you figure out why they did the things they did.

I write for several reasons:
-It's fun
-It helps me remember what happened
Sometimes its fun to see what others think of what you think about stuff
-It gives me practice writing something clearly - see where people misinterpret what I say
-The book I am reading Idiot's Guide to Writing Your Family History recommends a journal to keep track of your genealogical searches. I think a blog is a great way to do that. You can add pictures, write family stories, ask for other family stories, and wind up with a "book" you can publish.
Nothing I say is riveting, yet about 60-70 people drop by to see what is going on with me. It makes me feel supported.

meggie said...

Nice to meet you via Mrs Goodneedle.
Keep going- you dont need to be an expert. It is all we 'average writers' who make the wonderful world of Blogland!