Every year at this time, we devote time to preparing our taxes. But not just our taxes. In February, when we visit our college-going son in California, one of the chores during our stay is to help him get his taxes done. Since he works as an "independent contractor", he has to manage his own taxes all year long, paying estimated payments to the government every quarter....a lot to expect from a college guy. He does well with that, but for the last two years, he's also had to pay more tax in April on top of his quarterly estimated payment that's also due then. At his age, it all seems incredibly unfair. He wants to keep his money, not give it to the government.
Hubby and I spent a weekend doing our taxes a couple of weeks ago. The government wants more from us this year too and although I understand that we owe that money and it's not really "unfair", there is a little sting to the fact that we can't use that money for something more fun. Since we owe taxes, we haven't actually filed yet. We won't do that till April 17th, getting two extra days this year to hold onto our money! But now Hubby's company has amended his W-2 form. Apparently, since Hubby worked for the same company but worked in three different states in 2006, they mis-reported some of his income. Now we wait to receive that new W-2 form to find out if we owe more money, or perhaps (could it be possible??) that maybe we don't owe as much. Of course, we've already spent the fee for our on-line tax preparation program and now have to start all over again, and pay that fee again, not to mention that we need to find another weekend in the next month to sit and write the taxes again.
But, then there are the happy tax stories. Yesterday, our daughter and future son-in-law came over after church for their annual "do the taxes" day. They sat side-by-side with dueling laptops, while Hubby sat in the middle offering advice and suggestions. This year they will both receive nice little refunds and both were very happy at the end of the process. To them, doing the taxes means they can afford a new washer and dryer for their anticipated new home and have some money left over to put toward their honeymoon. We celebrated with a nice dinner, a good bottle of wine, and happy conversation about their future.
And so, the tax man cometh, bringing different news to all of us. Some look forward to his arrival and others dread it. But in the end, we have to remember the benefits of the taxes we pay, and feel grateful to live in a place where our taxes offer us such a good life.
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