And this is the dramatic downstairs half bath. There's a funny glare on the wall from the reflection of light off the mirror but nothing to be done about that on this bright sunny morning. I wish I had taken a photo before we ripped out the old vanity and toilet but needless to say, the change is quite something!

We will renovate our master bathroom in the fall, after our daughter's wedding and our vacation are over. Then I suppose I will have to start thinking about new projects for Dear Hubby....wouldn't want him to sit around getting used to relaxing! Ha!
The masons should be finishing up our new walkways today so I will post those before and after photos later on this week. Our new driveway will be done sometime in May. My next door neighbor asked me last week if we were planning to put our house up for sale. She thought we were doing all this renovation to get the house in order to put on the market. I suppose in a way we are, but we're going to enjoy all the updating for a few years. Once Hubby retires, maybe 5 or 10 years from now, we may think about finding a new home to grow old in, a home on one level but with space enough to attract the children home. Perhaps that home will be "someplace else" but we'll wait to see where the children settle because that will affect where we spend our golden years. Meanwhile, we're still enjoying our "youth"!!
Be careful with that "attract the children home" philosophy... ;)
You may want to try a frame shop to choose the framing and have a vanity mirror made to fit your decor and size specs. That's what I did for our powder room. Your bathrooms look very nice, good job!
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