Last weekend we went on our annual get-away weekend with a group of great friends. We all go to church together, and between us, five play in the bell choir, three serve on the Worship & Music Committee, two serve on the IT committee, four sing in choir, two sing in the early morning choir, six golf, two are woodworkers, three play guitar, and the list could go on and on. What makes us all one is that we are friends and all really good people trying to do good in the world. These people are one of my life's greatest blessings.
On Saturday we set out in the murky dampness of a rainy weekend to climb Mt. Willard, elev. 2806. We found the trail snow-covered which increased the challenge but made for more exercise and funny moments.

We crossed a little river without anyone falling in....a miracle in my opinion!

At the top, the view was breath-taking. We looked over Crawford Notch in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, seeing the road and railway tracks way below. The cloud ceiling was just a little above our heads and we really felt such awe being in such a beautiful place. Here are Hubby and I perched on a rock high above the notch.

The rest of our weekend was spent sharing time with each other, with our spouses, and eating and sleeping more than we ever do at home. Here we are back at the inn after our hike, a bunch of friends enjoying our time together and away from all the stresses and pressures of everyday life.