Our little neighborhood has been besieged by enormous giant wasps known as Cicada Killing Wasps. We have never seen them before and since we don't have a big cicada population, we're quite mystified as to why they have taken up residence here. They are the largest wasp in North America, measuring 1 1/2 inches long. This photo doesn't do their size any justice! They burrow into the ground, leaving big mounds of dirt in their wake, where the female lays 16 eggs. Then she goes off in hunt of food for her offspring. She kills cicadas, or other large insects, with her sting and then drags the dead bug back to the hole where it becomes food for her larvae. Oh, ICK!!

They began in the front lawn of one of our neighbors and have now spread to the grassy area on our island in the middle of our circular cul-de-sac. They are multiplying rapidly. Every day there are more mounds of dirt to be counted where they've formed their little tunnel. You can see it at the top of this photo....it's the dark circle at the top of the sand pile. What started as one nest a week ago has now grown to 40 nests! Who knew these creatures would be so prolific?
The female will sting, but the males, who appear quite aggressive guarding the nest, do not sting. None of us really want to test this theory out, so tomorrow an exterminator is coming to get rid of them. They are beneficial insects for the most part, because they kill other insects, but with children and adults sharing this space, we can no longer just watch. Updates to follow!
1 comment:
Good grief! I have never heard of these before. Glad you're taking care of thinks professionally.
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