For Christmas, Hubby gave me a new laptop computer. This was a wonderful addition to my life as now all my ancestors are portable. I can take my genealogy research "on the road" with me and thousands of bits of ancestral facts will be at my fingertips. But there is a downside however.....I have had to get used to this new piece of technology. There is a new interface with the World Wide Web, my instant messaging tool is upgraded and different, and Hubby just moved all my photographs to the new computer and even they are organized differently now too. And those passwords!! A new computer requires that you enter them all again for even the most familiar sites. The more recent ones I've kept track of, but some of the older ones, well, it was an interesting process trying to figure out what I could have possibly used to log-in to each site. Hubby kept asking questions too....."Do you want this on your new computer?", "How do you want this set up?", "Do you want me to upgrade this for you?"....well, how do I know unless I try? I appreciate the hours of work he put in moving my entire computer life for me, but I know he enjoyed it. At one point, with cables, parts, disks, paperwork, wires, and technology spread out all over the office floor, he exclaimed, "This is Geek Heaven!!". Being a tad reistant to change, my laptop lives in its docking station most of the time. That way I can still use my full-sized keyboard and my full-sized monitor, and that feels comfortable. I've had some frustrations but for the most part, I think I'm growing to like my new and "improved" computer.
Change is growth and growth is life.
...and Life is Good! Embrace it...
While I was on holiday, I used my brother's laptop, & found it quite a challenge after my old dinosaur!
Like the idea of touch control though, I seem to have tennis elbow from using the mouse!
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