As a follow-up to yesterday's post, here is my friend Andrea's poem about Judy's socks. Thanks to Andrea for allowing me to publish it.
It all began at the knitting store
When two friends checked out yarn galore
Knitting socks was the latest fad
In stripes and even bright colors - egads!
But off in a corner, the friends did spot
Some subtler socks from a different dye lot
Many dark shades of greens, grays and browns
Filled their faces with big smiles, not frowns
Then suddenly, the two had an amazing idea
To their long-footed friend they’d bring great cheer
They would knit her some Christmastime socks for her feet
That would match almost all of her frocks – it’d be neat!
The project began with turning the toe
Four hours later, they shared feelings of woe
They were proud of their work, and determined to do it
A few times, they almost said, “Forget it, oh screw it!”
With perseverance and averaging an hour per inch
The sock grew to a length so the toes wouldn’t pinch
Foreboding took over as they approached the heel
“We can do this ourselves”, they exclaimed with great zeal!
Now the socks were practically knitting themselves
Keep in mind, they had to be almost size twelves
They were cruising along, could this pace really last?
Bear in mind by now Christmas was way in the past
They met to compare and bind off with glee
Believe it or not the socks matched – Yippee!
We give thanks that we didn’t have to knit two socks
Because we now know, we are not sock knitting jocks!
Tonight, we are happy to bring this story to an end
We hope they will fit our long footed friend
Thankfully, she’s cheery and fun and not moody
Good luck, hope they fit, we love you Judy!
A "fitting" tribute!
This is so good. The pair of you are very creative I must say..!
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